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An Inspiration for All

Katie SpotzWorking at a LASIK center allows one the opportunity to meet and work with some incredible people. Refractive surgery seems to be a magnet for a wide variety of life styles. We meet some incredible people every day, but sometimes you meet someone whose story jumps off the page. Katie Spotz was definitely a page jumper.

A partner of Clear Choice LASIK met Katie Spotz shortly before she planned to row a boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Hearing her goals, we decided to sponsor her journey, even though we were all a little concerned that she might not make it.

We knew that rowing across the Atlantic would be tough to say the least. Rowing across the Atlantic in contact lenses or glasses could make the trip unfathomable. By providing Katie with LASIK, her eyesight would not be a concern.

Katie’s motivation and desire to row the Atlantic impressed our office. However, Katie’s mission goes far greater than athletic accomplishments. Katie has raised over $150,000 to provide clean water to poverty filled areas, and continues to speak at events around the country to share her story. Katie partners with H2O for Life, whom organizes clean water programs to fight this endless battle.

Once Katie had visited us, there was an energy throughout Clear Choice Custom LASIK Center. Each staff member truly was inspired by her amazing story. To this day, we enjoy following Katie’s success, and keep a copy of her book Just Keep Rowing on hand. All of our patients have unique stories that we love hearing about, and make work an exciting place to be. We would love to hear your story, so schedule your free consultation here with us today!

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